Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources, LLC (BWNR) has extensive experience working within naturalized detention basins, wetland mitigation areas, rain gardens, forest preserves, public park areas, and other native landscaping areas. Whether an existing natural space needs restoration, a new corporate campus is trying to establish a sustainable landscape, or a homeowners’ association is looking to manage community resources, we have expert sustainable solutions for every project.

- Stream Restoration
- Wetland Mitigation
- Native Area Restoration

- Wetland Delineations
- Ecological Surveys
- Management Plans

- Ecological Construction
- Detention Basin Retrofits
- Seeding/Planting/BMPs

- Prescribed Burning
- Invasive Species Control
- Performance Monitoring
Natural Resources Services Contact

Prescribed burning helps “clean up” an area by eliminating the past year’s materials. Less material build up allows the soils to warm more quickly in the spring resulting in quicker germination of native species and easier regrowth. Burning is recommended on a 3-5 year cycle for any native ecosystem. BWNR facilitates over 100 prescribed burns annually.