Prescribed Burning
Prescribed burns are essential in keeping remnant and restored natural areas healthy over the long term by inhibiting the establishment of invasive shrubs and trees. This stewardship tool helps remove duff build-up, restore nutrients to the soil, and increase native plant diversity and composition which improves habitat for wildlife and pollinator insects.
Before implementing controlled burns, Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources (BWNR) obtains a prescribed burn permit from the Illinois EPA. All controlled burns are led by an Illinois Certified Burn Manager and experienced/trained burn staff. All necessary PPE is worn for each burn. To prepare for burns, burn breaks are established. Burn breaks are essential to controlling fire and keeping it inside of the unit and away from human structures. Drip torches with a gasoline/diesel mix are used to start the fire. The team is supplied with water backpacks and fire tools such as rakes and brooms. BWNR recommends a prescribed burn every three years depending on the goal of the site stewardship.
Invasive Species Management
Ecological Restoration
Ecological Stewardship