Restoration Construction Services

Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources retains a diverse construction team capable of building ecological restoration projects such as stream and wetland restorations, naturalized detention basins, and other Best Management Practices. Unique to our construction is the ability to build bridges, paths, and stormwater infrastructure that are often part of larger ecological restoration projects.

Our Construction Service staff have over 75 years of combined experience and have worked together for over 15 years constructing large and small scale projects covering structural, infrastructure, stormwater, and ecological restoration. The Construction Service staff works closely with our engineering and ecological staff to ensure projects run smoothly and clients end up with successful products.

We also provide Construction Oversight services related to ecological restoration projects. Our team of Construction Service staff and Restoration Ecologists have overseen dozens of stream and other natural areas restoration projects both internally and on behalf of clients for projects we design for others to build.

Various Clients
Natural Stream Restoration

Wetland Restoration

Naturalized Detention Basins

Rain Gardens

Bridges & Prairie Paths

Erosion & Sediment Control

Grading & Outfall Repairs

Construction Oversight