Ratt Creek Reach 5 Restoration

The Ratt Creek Restoration Project included 5,000 linear feet (both banks) of streambank stabilization using a combination of rock toe and bank shaping. The stream channel was improved through the installation of 8 cross vane riffles and 10 j-hook deflectors. Approximately 10 acres of riparian area was restored by removing invasive trees and shrubs followed by seeding/planting with native prairie, woodland, and wetland vegetation. In addition, approximately 5,000 cubic yards of soil was removed upstream of High Hill Dam to restore lost stormwater retention capacity. The restoration provides amenities for the public using the adjacent path as well as students and faculty of District 300’s Kenneth E. Neubert Elementary School.

Algonquin, IL
Riparian Ecological Restoration

Streambank Stabilization

Increased Stormwater Capacity

IEPA Section 319 Grant