Water System Master Plan
Water System Master Plan
The Village’s objective for the Water System Master Plan is to complete a thorough review of the entire water system facilities and operations to achieve a comprehensive water system planning document for water operations, facilities, and the distribution system. The purpose of the Model and Master Plan report is to develop a systematic approach for making both short and long term capital and operational efficiency improvements to help the Village build a roadmap for future improvements.
The Water System Master Plan included the following components:
- Review of past water use and future water demand projections.
- Review of distribution system data and development of a hydraulic distribution model developed from the Village’s Geographic Information System (GIS) database.
- Development of infrastructure needs including estimated project costs.
A new WaterGEMS® hydraulic model of the Village’s water distribution system was developed and utilized to assist with verification of system pressures, fire flow capabilities, and development of water main improvements along with review of alternative operational schemes. The benefit of the new water model is that it correlates directly with the Village’s GIS. Data from the model can be linked directly to GIS so that pressures and fire flows are readily available to Village staff.
Recommended distribution system improvements were developed based on criteria developed during the study and simulated with the model to address system deficiencies. These improvements were described including overall length and estimated cost to install. A map of the individual water main improvements is also provided. Near term projects were aligned with proposed street project plans. Long-term future project were given a priority ranking to provide insight during the project planning process and also allow for flexibility in future improvement programs.