Nottingham/Miller Drainage Improvements
The City of West Palm Beach contracted with Baxter & Woodman to improve the roadways and infrastructure. The project is located on a coastal ridge characterized with well drained soils. However, frequent flooding has occurred at the intersection of Nottingham Boulevard and Miller Avenue. The City requested that a drainage assessment be performed to determine the viability and benefits of redirecting flow from the problem intersection to a drainage system that discharges through Phipps Park and Edmor Road to the Lake Worth Lagoon.
Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling was performed using the Inter-connected Ponding Routing (ICPR4) model. Several alternatives were modeled including improving the existing outfall, diverting flow to the Edmor outfall and utilizing both outfalls. The two-outfall alternative provided the best solution.
Potable water main and fire hydrant upgrades, water service replacement, sanitary sewer lining and replacement of gravity sewer and laterals are also included in the design and permitting efforts for this project.