Huntley Road Reconstruction & Widening
Baxter & Woodman provided design and construction engineering services for the $7.8M Huntley Road improvement project completed in 2020, which included the reconstruction of Huntley Road from Sleepy Hollow Road to Elm Avenue.
From east of Sleepy Hollow Road to just west of Westley Lane, Huntley Road was widened to a three-lane facility with a flush painted median, combination concrete curb and gutter, and storm sewer.
From just west of Westley Lane to Elm Avenue, Huntley Road was reconstructed to a five-lane facility with a raised landscaped median, combination concrete curb and gutter, and storm sewer. The intersection of Huntley Road and Elm Avenue was reconstructed to tie into IDOT’s intersection improvement of Huntley Road and IL 31.
An 8-foot shared-use path was installed on the south side of Huntley Road from Sleepy Hollow Road to Hamilton Drive. A 5-foot PCC sidewalk was constructed from Tartan Drive east to Harbor Drive. A 10-foot multi-use path was installed on the north side of Huntley Road from Tay River Drive to just east of Elm Avenue.
Decorative retaining walls were installed at various locations and two box culverts were extended to accommodate the roadway widening.
The existing traffic signals at the intersection of Huntley Road and Elm Avenue were upgraded/modernized.
Right-of-way plat of highways were developed for 16 parcels, and right-of-way appraisals and review appraisals were prepared for these parcels.
The project utilized STP funds and was processed through IDOT Local Roads.