Boca Chica Water Main Replacement
The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) owns and operates a 24-inch diameter water transmission main that carries potable water from the middle keys to the lower keys and the City of Key West. As much as 10 mgd can pass through this transmission main on a peak day with a working pressure of 80 psi. This transmission main must be maintained in daily service with shut down durations of 12 hours maximum throughout the transmission line replacement project.
Baxter & Woodman was part of a Design/Build Team for the replacement of approximately 2,639 linear feet of 24-inch steel potable transmission water main. Each pipeline segment spans 62 feet and was bridge-supported using stainless steel pipe support assemblies. The project is located at the Boca Chica Bridge (Mile Marker 6). In general, the work included removing the existing pipeline and replacing it with a new steel pipeline using the existing support brackets, which was completed through a series of FKAA planned water system shut-downs.
Baxter & Woodman was responsible for final design, permitting and construction services, including coordination with the Design/Build Contractor.
The project has been completed. The total design/build cost was $1,125,782. FKAA direct purchased the piping for $491,022. The total project cost was $1,616,804.