Dixie Creek Reach 3 Restoration
The Dixie Creek Reach 3 Restoration Project is located in the Village of Algonquin. The Village planned and designed the project beginning in 2020 with goals to remove invasive species, improve stormwater and stream hydrology, restore riparian areas, and preserve a rare fen wetland. The project is uniquely situated in a green infrastructure gap downstream from Dixie Creek Reaches 1 & 2, which were restored in 2019, and upstream from Dixie Creek Reach 4, which was restored over 15 years ago and located in Dixie Briggs Fromm Nature Preserve. In spring 2023, Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources was awarded the project for construction along with a 3-year maintenance contract.
Past farming, gravel mining activity, and adjacent residential development led to eroded streambanks and incised stream channel bottom, causing a significant amount of sediment to go downstream and eventually to the Fox River near downtown Algonquin. The riparian corridor was dominated by invasive buckthorn, honeysuckle, white mulberry, and box elder trees and shrubs.
The project includes 3,000 linear feet (both banks) of streambank stabilization using a combination of natural rock toe and bank shaping. The stream channel is improved through the installation of natural stone riffles. Approximately seven acres of riparian area is restored through the removal of invasive trees and shrubs followed by seeding/planting with native prairie, savanna, and wetland vegetation. In addition, stormwater infrastructure in an adjacent detention basin was replaced and outlets at three detention basins were improved.
Riparian Restoration