Controlled burns are intentional, carefully planned fires conducted under controlled conditions to reduce fuel buildup, mitigate wildfire risk, and promote ecosystem health.

Please see below for the anticipated controlled burn schedule and location map.

Tentatively Scheduled Burns

Click here to view on mobile devices.

*Scheduled dates are subject to change on short notice due to weather and field conditions.

Click Here for an Interactive Map of Scheduled Burn Locations.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you notify the local fire and police departments?

Yes, as part of the setup process prior to the control burn, all local fire and police dispatch phone numbers are called. Then, once the control burn has been completed, the fire and police dispatch are notified again.

Did you receive all of the necessary permits?

Yes, all permits have been applied for and received prior to any burns.

Why may the date change for a controlled burn?

Temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation, future weather, and site conditions are all considered to achieve a successful result. A scheduling delay typically arises when one of these conditions is less than optimal.

How long does a controlled burn take?

The length of a controlled burn varies per the goals of the land and conditions in the area. While most burns last only a day, some extend for multiple days. Multiple burns may also occur on the same property over a season.

What is the best time to do a prescribed fire?

Conducting controlled burns in fall and spring helps prevent major fire events from occurring during warmer, dryer months, when overgrowth acts as kindling, igniting out-of-control wildfires.

I have a special consideration or a request for additional information, who can I contact?

You may contact Restoration Ecologist Lane Linnenkohl at

Controlled Burn Contact

Lane Linnenkohl
Restoration Ecologist